Recreational Physical Education (To enhance the knowledge of professioanl stduents of Physical Education, teachers aand the public)
1. Fundamental Notion of Physical Education
2. Significance of Physical fitness in Physical Education
3. Recreation as a field of study in Physical Education
4. Mechanical Aspects of Human Functions
5. Muscular Strength and Endurance in Physical Education and sports
6. The Exercise Prescription – Individual’s Responses
7. Special Consideration in Physical Education
8. Analysing Human Motion – KineticalConcepts
9. Learning Disciplinary Techniques in Physical Education
10. Physical Testing in Physical Education
11. The Growing Disciplines of Physical Education…..CONTENTS
1. Fundamental Notion of Physical Education
2. Significance of Physical fitness in Physical Education
3. Recreation as a field of study in Physical Education
4. Mechanical Aspects of Human Functions
5. Muscular Strength and Endurance in Physical Education and sports
6. The Exercise Prescription – Individual’s Responses
7. Special Consideration in Physical Education
8. Analysing Human Motion – KineticalConcepts
9. Learning Disciplinary Techniques in Physical Education
10. Physical Testing in Physical Education
11. The Growing Disciplines of Physical Education
Research Methodology in Physical Education
1. Importance of Research Tools in collection of Data in Physical Education
2. Introduction to Research Methodology and its Goals
3. Statisticsin Physical Education and SportsScience
4. Characteristics of Assessment Tools in Physical Education
5. ResearchPrograms and Profession in Physical Education
6. The Importance of Fields and Methods of Research in PhysicalEducation .
7. Experimental and Biomechanical Research in PhysicalEducation.
8. Hypothesis and Research Proposal in PhysicalEducation.
9. ProblemsIssuesinResearchMethods .