For UPSC, UP-PCS, UP-RO/ARO, BPSC, OPSC, WBPSC, KPSC, JHPSC, RAS, REET, CAPF, CDS, ANDA, AFCAT, SSC CGL, CPO, IB, CHSL, SSCJE, FCI, MTS, GD, DSSSB TGT, CTET, UPTET, HRTET, State TET, UPSSSC, VDO, LDC, NTPC Railways, RRB JE, Delhi Police, State Police, UPSI, MPSI, BSF, Forest Guard and for other Competitive Examinations etc.
The Panacea of General Science with Environmental Science (Class VI-XII NCERT covered) – Theory+PYQs
For UPSC, UP-PCS, UP-RO/ARO, BPSC, OPSC, WBPSC, KPSC, JHPSC, RAS, REET, CAPF, CDS, ANDA, AFCAT, SSC CGL, CPO, IB, CHSL, SSCJE, FCI, MTS, GD, DSSSB TGT, CTET, UPTET, HRTET, State TET, UPSSSC, VDO, LDC, NTPC Railways, RRB JE, Delhi Police, State Police, UPSI, MPSI, BSF, Forest Guard and for other Competitive Examinations etc.