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Exercise Physiology (For Physical Education Teachers, Coaches, Students and Fitness Experts)

(544 customer reviews)

The book will serve wide variety of Professionals in Physical Education and Sports??About the book – Chapter 1- This chapter strengthens the importance of the knowledge of exercise physiology for the professionals while planning and implementing a training program || Chapter 2-Focuses on the process of energy liberation for muscular contraction || Chapter 3- Discusses the structure and specific functions of the skeletal muscles || Chapter 4-Examines the neuromuscular system. Chapter 5-Studies the various cardiovascular parameters and the effects of exercise and training on these || Chapter 6- Deals with various respiratory parameters and its exercise and training || Chapter 7- Reveals the effect of exercise and training on the function of keywords || Chapter 8- Signifies the GIT response to exercise and training || Chapter 9-Exhibits the influence of exercise and training on the endocrine system || Chapter 10-Demonstrate the metabolic changes as a result exercise and training || Chapter 11- Illustrates the gender issues in relation to women’s participation in sports || Chapter 12- Elucidates the changes that occur with aging and how the training can help in enhancing the physical fitness levels in the elderly…..

Each chapter has an overview at the beginning that provides the contents being discussed. References are also provided at the ned which provide an additional information for selective reading…



Dr. Sandhya Tiwari





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