The book is designed keeping in mind all competitive exams with physical education as specialisation. This book has 2000+ MCQs and previous years solved questin papers of UP, TGT , PGT, KVS, NVS and more. This book is a bon for the students preparing for different entrance examinations. – Most reliable language – Simple and easy language – Mock test/Practice sets – It covers anwers also.
Inaugurate Physical Education UGC-NET, DSSSB, TGT, PGT (All Central and State Competition Examination) – 2000+ MCQs
The book is designed keeping in mind all competitive exams with physical education as specialisation. This book has 2000+ MCQs and previous years solved questin papers of UP, TGT , PGT, KVS, NVS and more. This book is a bon for the students preparing for different entrance examinations. – Most reliable language – Simple and easy language – Mock test/Practice sets – It covers anwers also.